What stays original

Several years ago, we started a very basic website, that listed lots of links from interesting sites on the Internet. That was all it did nothing fancy.  We did not do much with it and did not update it very often.  Now we went back to what was on the old site to bring you back some of those old links.  Some of them are the same, some have changed, and some of them are gone forever.  Hope you enjoy this new look back.

Here’s what you have been waiting for

Original Links - Coupon Codes


Coupons – This is an original, it used to be called store coupons, but it is still here.  A new look but the same stuff, better organized.



Original Apt Rental site

Move – This site used to be called Springstreet – Apartment finder – now called Move.  Same products, different look.




Development software

Devx – Provides software development courses and other products as it did when we first listed it. Can’t remember what the old site looked like,  but some things change little.




Original - Career Building Site

Career Builder – Called career mosaic, now career builder.  Same products, some things don’t change at all.




original web authoring tools


Sierra – Site use to provide web authoring tools, now it is a game provider site.



y2k original site

iy2kcc.org – I was just thinking about Y2K. It was way before I started Place of Links, so I thought, WOW, are there any sites still out there.  And guess what, there are.  CNN has a page that lists many, though most are not active. Just search on Y2K on the Internet to see if there are more sites out there still.



Original book seller barnes and noble


Barnes & Noble – Wow, one of the few original book sellers that is still around – Barnes and Noble.



Dogs of the dow financial site


Dogs of the Dow – Here is a financial site that has been around for a long time, long before us – Dogs of the Dow – investment strategy.  Based on looking at the web site, I think it is original as well.



The well for thoughtful thinkers


Well – One of the originals for the internet – for thoughtful thinkers – conversation and discussion. Looks like you have to become a member to access.



original hot bot search engine


HotBot – A blast from the past – Hot Bot – search engine.  At one time it was one of the most popular search engines,  Google wasn’t a twinkle in someones eye.  Still around though.